Open your Tipping Page Overview
To access your Tipping Page settings, open the Sound Alerts Dashboard. Then, navigate to "Settings" and select the "Tipping" tab at the top.
General Settings
At the top of the general settings you can switch the tipping option on and off. The same applies to the leaderboard.
You will also find the option to change the currency within the animation. Either the currency symbol or the abbreviation can be seen.
Your Tipping Page
In the center, you'll find the "Visit Tipping Page" button. Clicking it will take you to the tipping overview page, which is the same page your viewers will see when they choose to support you.
Tipping Page Message
"Tipping Page Customizations" allows you to add a personal message for your viewers on your Tipping Page.
Social Links
In the middle, you'll find a large, pre-made field where you can add your social links.
Custom Links
At the bottom, you can also add a link to a page of your choice (Rickroll opportunity).
If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems with the service, please visit our Discord server.