While using Sound Alerts (or other browser source-based integrations), there may be an unusually long delay between the redemption of a sound and the actual alert playing on your stream.

A delay can have multiple reasons. Here is a list of the most common reasons:
1. VPNs
2. Some addons/plugins for your internet browser can impact Sound Alerts. Try to disable them and observe if something has changed.
3. Internet security settings can cause trouble.
4. Anti-virus software like "SkyShield" often blocks or delays Sound Alerts.
5. Internet connection. It can also be delayed if your internet connection is a little unstable.
6. OBS Encoder Settings. If your settings are wrong or too high for your CPU or your general computer setup, this can also cause delay of the sounds, or delay between sound and video in your alerts. Go to your OBS Settings --> Output --> Streaming. Select a different setting, such as Fast or Faster, for the Preset

Delayed Sounds OBS2.png

If you have any questions, please contact us by visiting our Sound Alerts Discord Server.

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